Name: Ron Freeman
Birthday: January 16th
Kids: Will (24) & Jack (21)
Dog: Django (5 y/o Malshi)
Book: Count of Monte Cristo
Movie: Amadeus
Foods: Indian, Thai, and Italian
Current favorite songs …
Sail On by the Commodores
Also been stuck forever on American Tune by Paul Simon. Specifically, the Concert in Central Park version sung by Art Garfunkel.
A Brief Summary
I've been a technology guy for most of my life.
I love the idea of instant karma (as we generally think of it in the West), but too often find that it doesn't happen nearly often or quickly enough.
Have two great boys — Will (24) and Jack (21) — as well as a super cute Malt-tzu (or Malshi) doggo named Django.
I tell my boys that my job is very similar to what they did when they were younger — asking a lot of questions, talking a bunch, and drawing pictures.
In my day job, I have led sales engineering (presales) teams for several companies that have focused on enterprise B2B sales, including hardware, software, cloud, IT operations and cybersecurity.
I grew up in Lufkin in the piney woods of East Texas and have lived in Shreveport, LA, Houston, TX, and the beautiful Wasatch Mountains of Utah in beautiful Heber Valley. I'm currently based in Katy, TX but travel a good bit.
Feel free to visit my LinkedIn profile for more information or you can find me on Facebook, too.
In addition, I do some other things and have some other interests which you may learn about by visiting this site from time to time.